virgin islands 維爾京群島〔西印度群島中一群小島〕。
維爾京群島〔西印度群島中一群小島〕。 “virgin“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.處女,未婚少女;【宗教】童貞修女。 2.〔th ...“island“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.島,島嶼。 2.島狀物;孤立的地區;孤立的組織 ...“british virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 維爾京群島(英屬); 維京島羅德城; 英國海外屬地; 英京群; 英屬處女群島; 英屬維爾京群島 (英屬維京群島); 英屬維京群島“british virgin islands fixed“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島固話“british virgin islands mobile“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島手機“districts of the british virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 英女群分; 英屬處女群島分區“governor of british virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島總督“inter-virgin islands conference“ 中文翻譯: 維爾京群島間會議“sailing the british virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島上的航行“the british virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島“united states virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 美京群; 美屬處女島; 美屬處女群島; 美屬維爾京群島; 美屬維京群島 (美屬維京群島); 維京島夏洛特; 維京群島“university of the virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 島大學“us virgin islands“ 中文翻譯: 美國海外領地; 美屬維京群島 (美屬維京群島)“us virgin islands - english“ 中文翻譯: 美屬維爾克群島“vi virgin islands(british)“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維京群島(域名)“virgin islands (us)“ 中文翻譯: 維京群島“virgin islands national park“ 中文翻譯: 維爾京群島國家公園“virgin islands of the united states“ 中文翻譯: 美屬維爾京群島; 美屬維京群島 (美屬維京群島)“virgin islands party“ 中文翻譯: 維爾京群島黨“virgin islands, british“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島 (英屬維京群島); 英屬維京群島“virgin islands,british“ 中文翻譯: 英屬維爾京群島“of the virgin“ 中文翻譯: 處女“the virgin“ 中文翻譯: 處女座“virgin“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.處女,未婚少女;【宗教】童貞修女。 2.〔the V-〕 圣母馬利亞。 3.〔罕用語〕童貞男子。 4.【動物;動物學】單性生殖雌蟲;未交配雌蟲。 5.【天文學】〔V-〕 室女座,室女宮 (= Virgo )。 virgin paper 白紙。 virgin whiteness 純白。 a virgin forest 處女林,原生林。 a virgin blade 還沒有用過的刀。 adj. 1.處女的。 2.處女特有的,像處女的,易害羞的。 3.沒有玷污的,純潔的,新鮮的。 4.沒有攪亂的,沒有攙雜的;還沒有用過的;沒有耕過的;原來的;【化學】直餾的;(植物油)初榨的;【冶金】由礦石直接提煉的。 5.首次的,創始的。 “virgin is“ 中文翻譯: 維爾京群島(英); 維爾京群島1
For i . r . 52s , you should fill in “ british virgin islands , macao sar and australia “ in the space provided 在ir表格第52s號,你應在空位內填上英屬處女群島澳門特別行政區及澳大利亞。 |
In this case , you should fill in “ british virgin islands and macao sar “ in the space provided 就你的個案,你應在空位上填寫英屬處女群島及澳門特別行政區。 |
virgin kerosene |
In 1997 , yihl ran into financial difficulty and was taken over by a new management in hong kong . in march 1998 , the newly appointed management disclosed that between april 1995 and march 1997 , yihl had advanced seven suspicious loans of hk $ 1 , 264 million to a number of companies registered in british virgin island . these companies were under the control of some of the directors of yihl 在一九九八年三月,新管理層發現八佰伴公司于一九九五年四月至一九九七年三月期間曾向數間于英屬處女島注冊的公司借出七項共十二億六千四百萬港元的可疑貸款,而這些公司由八佰伴公司的部份董事操控。 |
Hurricane georges took a terrible toll on the caribbean , including the u . s . commonwealth of puerto rico and the u . s . virgin islands . georges killed more than 300 people in the caribbean and left behind a heartbreaking trail of destruction . recovery will be long and painful and will take months or perhaps years 可怕的喬治颶風襲卷了加勒比海沿岸,美屬波多黎各和美國處女島也慘遭肆虐,共計300多人死亡,并留下了令人心碎的殘跡,也許需要幾個月或是幾年的長久艱辛努力才能恢復。 |
39 . at present , 133 countries territories have agreed to grant visa - free access or visa on arrival to hksar passport holders , including seven more that were added to the list in 2004 . these seven countries are agrentina , turks and caicos islands , british virgin islands , japan , mexico , uruguay and kuwait 3 9 .現時,同意給予香港特區護照持有人免簽證入境待遇或入境時發給簽證待遇的國家地區已達1 3 3個,包括二零零四年加入名單的七個國家地區,此即阿根廷共和國、特克斯和凱科斯島、英屬維爾京島、日本、墨西哥、烏拉圭及科威特。 |
In addition to the above mentioned services , our company is able to offer assistance to clients creating offshore trusts with east asia international trustees limited , an offshore trust company operating in the british virgin islands and is closely associated with bea 離岸信托除上述各項服務外,本公司亦可協助客戶與東亞國際信托有限公司成立離岸信托。該公司于英屬處女群島注冊及經營與東亞銀行集團關系密切。 |
The company may by resolution of members or by a resolution passed unanimously by all directors of the company continue as a company incorporated under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the british virgin islands in the manner provided for by the laws of that other jurisdiction 公司可以通過股東大會的決議或者公司全體董事一致的決議,遵循英屬維爾京群島之外的權限法,按照另一個權限法提供的方式得以繼續存在。 |
One of them is an individual living in the united states . the other three are corporations incorporated in the british virgin islands but carrying on their business in germany and the remaining two are corporations incorporated in macao sar and australia 其中一人居住在美國,其馀三名是在德國經營業務的法團但法團在英屬處女群島注冊成立,馀下的兩名是在澳門特別行政區及澳大利亞注冊成立的法團。 |
If your company is incorporated in british virgin islands , cayman or bermuda , it is also eligible so long as the fund obtained will be channelled to the local subsidiaries incorporated in hong kong . what kind of projects will be supported 若貴公司是在英屬維爾京群島、克曼群島或百慕大群島等地注冊成立的公司,而又會把獲批的基金交由在香港注冊成立的附屬公司使用,亦可提出申請。 |
The company does not maintain with its corporate records at its registered office any evidence of any existing mortgage , charge or other encumbrance and no charges have been registered with the registrar of companies in the british virgin islands 公司未在其注冊辦公室的公司記錄中保存任何現存的抵押、責任或其他負擔的證據,并且在英屬維京群島的公司注冊處也未有任何責任的登記。 |
One of them is an individual living in the united states . the other three are corporations incorporated in the british virgin islands but carrying on their business in german and the remaining two are corporations incorporated in macao sar 其中一人居住在美國,其馀三名是在德國經營業務的法團(但法團在英屬處女群島注冊成立) ,馀下的兩名是在澳門特別行政區注冊成立的法團。 |
The main offshore countries in which we can provide formation and services include british virgin island , samoa , cayman island , mauritius , bahamas , niue , isle of man , bermuda , panama , singapore , seychelles and others . our services include 我們提供離岸企業之成立及管理服務,其中包括英屬處女島薩摩亞開曼群島毛里求斯巴哈馬紐埃明島百慕達巴拿馬新加坡塞舌爾及其它。 |
The french food group said yesterday it was taking legal action in a los angeles court against a wahaha company registered in the british virgin islands that it claims has been illegally selling drinks that are part of the joint venture 這家法國食品集團昨日表示,它已向洛杉磯一家法庭提起訴訟,指控娃哈哈在英屬維京群島注冊的一家公司非法銷售屬于合資企業的飲料。 |
Bea now operates a total of 103 branches in hong kong , 19 outlets in greater china and maintains a strong presence in the u . s . a . , canada , the uk , the british virgin islands and southeast asia 目前,東亞銀行集團在香港設有103間分行、在大中華區有19個營業據點,而海外網絡亦遍及美國、加拿大、英國、英屬處女?島及東南亞國家等。 |
Bea now operates a total of 103 branches in hong kong , 19 outlets in greater china and maintains a strong presence in the u . s . a . , canada , the uk , the british virgin islands and southeast asia 目前,東亞銀行集團在香港設有103間分行、在大中華區有19個營業據點,而海外網絡亦遍及美國、加拿大、英國、英屬處女島及東南亞國家等。 |
Navassa , its enormous limestone cliffs rising straight out of the sea , is the oldest continuous overseas possession of the united states , older than guantanamo , the virgin islands , hawaii , and alaska 納弗沙島上巨大的石灰巖懸崖聳立海面上,是美國在海外持續擁有的最古老島嶼,比關達那摩、維京島、夏威夷和阿拉斯加還要古老。 |
No , the electoral college system does not provide for residents of u . s . territories , such as puerto rico , guam , the u . s . virgin islands and american samoa to vote for president 冷戰結束使我們得以把精力和實力,用于促進和平、促進健全的世界經濟關系,以及促進多邊合作。美國決心要維持在亞太地區的重要強國地位。 |
The availability of visa - free access to the british virgin islands has brought the total number of countries territories agreeing to grant visa - free access to hksar passport holders to 130 連同上述免簽證安排,同意給予香港特區護照持有人免簽證入境待遇的國家/地區的數目已增至一百三十個。 |
That is all . we have many vast areas of wilderness that have not been used , many virgin islands , many vast plateaus that are only green with forests and there s nothing there 我們地球還有很多寬廣蠻荒的地方尚未被開墾使用,有很多處女島廣闊的大高原,那里只有翠綠的森林,沒有人類的蹤跡。 |